The collection Laboring Bodies and the Quantified Self, edited by Ulfried Reichardt (Mannheim) and Regina Schober (Duesseldorf) is out! It contains my article „‚To Be Reckoned in the Gross‘: Corporate Storytelling and Quantified Selves in Joshua Ferris’s Then We Came to the End,“ and a preview is available here.
Autor: smue
This week my article „The Silence of the Soulless Corporation: Corporate Agency in James Fenimore Cooper’s The Bravo“ was published online. It is among the latest articles of the journal Law & Literature, and it presents some of the research that is the subject of my monograph project on the corporation in nineteenth-century law, literature, and culture.
You can find the article here.
This December I will present my work-in-progress on corporate storytelling and autobiography at the Intersections of Finance and Society conference in London. You can find their program here.

Last year I I co-edited this special issue on „Poetry and Law“ together with Dr. Birte Christ (Universitaet Giessen). Last week, it was awarded the Best Article Award 2017 by the journal Amerikastudien/American Studies and the German American Studies Association.
This month I will be giving a talk at The 12th International Melville Society Conference: Melville’s Origins (NYC). The talk is part of a panel that looks at Melville’s work in the light of 200 years Dartmouth College v. Woodward. Check out the program here.
At the end of May I will present my current research on archipelagic aesthetics at the joint annual conference of GAPS and IACPL at the University of Bremen. Find more information here.